Signature Style Design a look that best represents your own unique style, taste, and best showcases your skill set. PUEDES VOTAR TU PROPUESTA FAVORITA AQUÍ. ¡Estoy en la final! ¿Estaré soñando? Es posible que si, pero me da igual… voy a seguir disfrutando de esta experiencia única que me está trayendo tantas alegrías. En el […]
PR&P week 4

I’m in the final! Am I dreaming? Maybe that’s possible, but it doesn’t matter to me… I will continue to enjoy this unique experience that is bringing me so much joy. In this week’s design we must show what makes us unique while using our best skills. After thinking and thinking about this issue without […]
PR&P semana 2 (castellano)

Monochrome Mania In a colorful world, what would you create if you had to choose one? PUEDES VOTAR TU PROPUESTA FAVORITA AQUÍ. ¡Uau! ¡Estoy tan feliz de estar en la segunda ronda del PR&P! Mi mayor temor cuando me invitaron a participar fue no superar la primera semana del concurso. Tengo unas compañeras con mucho […]
PR&P week 2

Wow! It’s week 2 of Project Run & Play, can you believe it? When I was invited to participate in the competition my greatest fear was not being able to make it to the second week…. All the ladies in season 20 are so talented, it is going to be hard work to reach the […]